Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stadium 6 - Turner Field (Atlanta)

Braves vs. Nationals in a stunning 8-2 loss to the Nats with some terrible fielding on the part of the Braves.

As we headed out of our capitol and down to the hot hot heat, we had a streak of bad luck. We were misguided by our GPS girl, Lola, and we were in dire need of an oil change that could not be found. It will not be until we reach Tampa that we finally get the job done. But the ball game! Not the greatest. The fans seemed very robotic, only cheering when led by the stadium prompts, hacking away with their chop that seemed too reminiscent of hailing Hitler for my taste. There were, however, many activities within the ballpark for kids in particular, and a whole Cartoon Network wall with things to do. Beer was $6.50, better than the New York teams at least. And the fans kept cheering, even when their team was playing terribly. (This would never fly at Fenway!) A visual is as follows:

Not related to Gary Orr, as I later found out.

Captain Steve's newbestfriend, the toothless propane man.

This little girl is the only one who could feel our pain. (Yes, that is her ice cream lying on the ground, fallen forever from her grasp.)

We had to make sure we got there early so we could secure a parking spot & not have to fight the crowd. See the crowd? No? Me neither. I did, however, see many young men relieve themselves in our direction with no shame whatsoever.

Look whos an Atlanta Brave - Julian! We won't miss you.


Unknown said...

is that the wine daddy bought in nyc??

haha love the "crowd"!

Unknown said...

"nothing good comes from atlanta" - jennifer ng